
Here's Why You Shouldn't Delay a Recommended Root Canal

May 06, 2024
Here's Why You Shouldn't Delay a Recommended Root Canal
Root canals can seem scary. However, this simple dental procedure can save your teeth and prevent a lifetime of dental problems. Find out why you shouldn’t delay the procedure if you need one here. 

No one likes to hear they need a root canal. It doesn’t help that the procedure has been somewhat demonized in pop culture. However, a root canal is an essential procedure to save teeth at risk of being extracted due to severe cavities or injuries.

When your dentist says you need a root canal, it’s crucial to get it done as soon as possible. Ignoring their recommendation can lead to tooth loss, which can cause complications such as difficulty eating, speech impairments, and osteoporosis in the long run. 

At OneSource Dental of South Tampa in Tampa, Florida,  Nancy Horton, DMD, specializes in providing near-pain-free root canals that save your teeth and protect your dental health.

Here, she explains how important it is to get one when you need one and how to know when you may need the procedure.

Why getting a timely root canal is important

Severe cavities and certain injuries can infect the root of a tooth. A root canal procedure removes bacteria from the infected tooth, prevents reinfection, and saves the tooth. 

If you need a root canal and delay the procedure, you risk losing the infected tooth and potentially allowing the infection to spread to other healthy areas of your mouth. 

The pain of a severe tooth infection is incomparable to the discomfort of getting a root canal. The infection can also lead to an abscess or cause the bones in your jaw to deteriorate, leading to additional dental complications.

If you’re concerned about the cost of a root canal, postponing this procedure will only lead to more extensive and expensive dental procedures over time. 

How to tell you need a root canal

If you’re experiencing a severe toothache, sensitivity to hot or cold foods and drinks, swollen, tender gums, or notice a tooth darkening, it’s crucial to seek dental help from Dr. Horton immediately. These symptoms typically indicate that you need a root canal.

What to expect from the procedure 

With modern dental techniques and anesthesia, getting a root canal has become a relatively routine dental procedure, unlike the portrayals in books and movies. 

In addition, Dr. Horton’s expertise ensures that your procedure is as comfortable as possible. During the root canal, she removes the infected pulp, cleans and disinfects the tooth, and then fills and seals it to prevent further issues.

After your procedure, remember to maintain your oral hygiene religiously and keep up with your follow-up appointments so your tooth heals correctly and stays healthy.

Delaying a recommended root canal can lead to severe dental and overall health complications. The procedure won’t just relieve the pain of an infection or save your tooth from extraction; it’ll also improve your quality of life and help you avoid oral health complications as you age. 

Don’t wait until it’s too late. If you need a root canal, book an appointment online with Dr. Norton today or call 813-879-9299.