Dr. Horton has been an Invisible aligners provider for more than 17 years. Long before Orthodontists were accepting this revolutionary tooth movement experience for their patients, she treated her patients with Invisalign aligners. She completed more than 70 cases in a short time and was one of the first premier providers for the company with more cases than anyone in the South East division. She also helped them teach Study groups in the Tampa area.
Currently with the advent of 3 D printing, she is providing these aligners to her patients more expediently, efficiently and in a more cost effective way.
Our patients are thrilled with their results. Please call so we can help you achieve these beautiful straight teeth for very reasonable prices.
Our aim when creating either 1 filling or a completely reconstructed smile design is to have a final outcome that is in alignment with our patient’s expectations. Many patients come to me and say, I want a natural result. I don’t want anyone to say , Gee I like your “ new teeth! “ The goal is to have teeth that look natural and beautiful or handsome in your face. To that end they must be designed to be highly functional and have the right shape, color and size that coordinate properly to your size and skin tone. They must be translucent in the right places to look natural.
The dentist and their laboratory must strive for artistic perfection. That is what we do at OneSource dental. We strive to bring you the most natural, long lasting results possible. Many of my long term patients have front restorations ( veneers, crowns and fillings )that have latest in excess of 2 decades . Please allow us to help you experience the same results.